This is something I am super excited about... it's the little things.
I can't tell you how many times my 6 year old asks me for a snack... and then doesn't like the options I give him, knowing all along that he has something specific in mind-usually sugary. With the coming of baby #3 I decided to give my big boy some power over his snack options. And hopefully use some of my fruit and veggies from the co-op that often get forgotten and wasted. I'll get to the co-op in a minute.
Here's what I did. I decided that two snacks a day are more than enough for my boys- one morning and one afternoon snack. I started off with 6 servings of fruit (strawberries, oranges and apples), cleaned cut and put into zip top bags, I added two yogurts for each of the boys and two bags each cereal, yes, boxed cereal. I want to add some veggies (celery, and carrots at least for Nick) but I'll have to go to Publix for those this week since we didn't get any in our co-op bins. Some weeks there may be granola or goldfish instead of cereal, depending on what's on sale.
I put all the snack bags in a crisper in the refrigerator so there is easy access to the snacks. He has complete control over which snacks he eats when so if he eats all his sweeter snacks in the beginning of the week he will have only veggies to eat the rest of the time. Levi has smaller portions of food and his bags are labeled with his name so Nick doesn't get a double portion of sweets in any given week. Here is a sample of what is in the snack drawer this week. We'll give it a week and see how it works.
What about this veggie co-op thing you mentioned? I'm glad you asked. I am a member of Carlita's Bowl Fruit and Veggie Co-op. Every other week I pick up a Rubbermaid bin of fruit and veggies that have been bought that morning at the local farmers market. I have the option of getting a large bin which is 20-40lbs of produce, depending on the season and what is available and I only pay $30 for 30-ish lbs of food-AMAZING. I also have the option of getting this every week. I may have to add a mini bin 20-30 lbs for $20 during my off week if this works and I need more goodies in the house.
If you are interested in Carlita's Bowl, you can visit her page and find all the info you'll need and if you are interested and in the Seminole Heights or Sulphur Springs area I can help you out with getting your delivery. I've posted a picture of a mini bin that I pick up for a friend. I unloaded my large bin before I took pictures.
"He gives food to every living thing, His faithful Love endures forever." Psalm 136:25
Happy, Healthy snacking,