Friday, April 29, 2011

The Fairy Tale Wedding

I woke up really early this morning to watch a wedding. After several hours and an insane amount of Coffee, I still can't believe I actually dragged my tail out of bed at 4AM to watch T.V.

I saw how beautiful all the clothes and hats were and I couldn't get enough of the grandeur and majesty of the ornate Westminster Abbey. I kept looking at the carvings in the walls and columns the arches and oh, that organ.

Like most of you I caught my breath when Catherine stepped out of the car and we saw the entire dress for the first time. I giggled a little when Harry turned around for a peak and said something to his brother and the look on Williams face when he saw his princess bride for the first time.

All the while thinking 'Kate is living every little girls dream.' We all want to be a princess don't we? We dream, as little girls, of our Prince Charming riding in on a white horse, rescuing us from danger and carrying us off to a palace and living happily ever after.

It wasn't until the coffee kicked in that I started to realize, ladies, that we ARE princesses. We, Christians, are daughters (and sons) of God. We are JOINT heirs with Jesus.
"And since we are his children, we are his heirs. In fact, together with Christ we are heirs of God's glory." Romans 8:7

We get to have the fairy tale wedding:
"Let us be glad and rejoice, and let us give honor to him. For the time has come for the wedding feast of the Lamb, and his bride has prepared herself. She has been given the finest of pure white linen to wear." For the fine linen represents the good deeds of God's holy people." Revelation 19:7-8

We are that bride, Christians! Ok, we aren't going to literally be married to Jesus. Marriage is the most intimate human relationship we can have. I have a feeling that our relationship with God is going to be even more intimate than the most happily ever after marriage we can imagine. And if you thought Kate Middleton's dress was divine, just wait until you see what you get to wear when Christ takes His bride. Our clothing will be our righteousness, how much we love and believe God. Righteousness is NOT about how hard you work for God--it's about how hard you love God.

"Then I saw heaven opened, and a white horse was standing there. Its rider was named Faithful and True, for he judges fairly and wages a righteous war." Revelation 19:11

Our prince Charming on a white horse comes for us ready to fight for us, rescue us "wages a righteous war". Ladies, our earthly Prince Charming may be amazing- mine is- but our Heavenly, eternal Prince will blow our minds. He will never argue with you or cheat on you or complain about an ill cooked meal. I'm pretty sure He will never leave His dirty clothes all over the house either. He loves us like no other, cherishes us like we've never been cherished before. Ladies, He adores you even now, no matter what is going on in your life, please know that.
Men reading this, it goes for you too!! I know it sounds mushy, but if you are a Christian, the Prince is coming for you too. He will fight for you as hard as He will fight for me. He cherishes you just as much as He does the ladies.

I can't wait for the day of our real life, last for eternity (literally) Fairy Tale Wedding.

Princesses, I love you all.

As always, your comments, questions or corrections are welcomed just be polite. =)
Bible verses are from the New Living Translation.

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